Sunday, October 21, 2007

Everything you need for Googlebot to work correctly

It seems that the bloggers at Google have been talking a lot about Googlebot, so I am going to do a little link roundup and maybe come back and do a post or two about one aspect of Googlebot or another. Having read each of these entries in detail, it seems that taken as a group a Web developer or Webmaster should have just about everything they need to make sure Googlebot is functioning correctly on their site.
  1. All about Googlebot - Q&As about about robots.txt files and Googlebot's behavior fielded by Google Webmaster Central founder Vanessa Fox.

  2. How to verify Googlebot - Google SEO specialist Matt Cutts talks about how to determine a bot is authentic.

  3. Learn more about Googlebot's crawl of your site and more! - Vanessa Fox discusses new additions to Google Webmaster tools meant to help the Webmaster track the bot better.

  4. Googlebot activity reports - Google blogger explains how the company tracks the amount of traffic between Google and a given site.

  5. Better details about when Googlebot last visited a page - Vanessa Fox breaks this very confusing subject into excellent detail.